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How To Reset Sengled Bulbs

Sengled smart bulbs provide an innovative and unique home lighting solution in the lighting industry. Especially with the “Plug and Play” option, you don’t necessarily need a hub with these smart bulbs. As with most technologies, you will often run into hick-ups requiring your troubleshooting skills. Therefore, knowing how to reset the Sengled bulbs is handy when fixing these issues.

In this article, we’ll go over how to reset your Sengled lights and reconnect them to the Sengled app and when resetting your bulbs is necessary.

How To Reset Sengled Bulbs

Sengled bulbs come in various modes, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or the ZigBee ones; regardless of the model, the reset process is relatively similar. If your bulb won’t work as intended, resetting it to its default settings is the first thing that comes to your mind. However, before resetting your Sengled bulb ensure the following;

  • Confirm that the bulb is connected to a powered socket. If someone accidentally switched off the main control switch, no amount of resetting will fix the issue.
  • Verify that it’s connected to a compatible fixture. You should connect your Sengled bulb to a standard fixture. Sengled Smart Wi-Fi LED bulbs won’t work on dimmers switches, 3-way lamps, ceiling fan fixtures or fully enclosed fixtures.
  • Remove the bulb from the connected app. There are various smart apps you can connect and control the bulbs from (Smart Life, Sengled App, Tuya or Amazon Alexa). Before resetting your bulb, delete it from the app. Failure to delete the bulb from an app may cause resetting problems.

With that said and done, we can reset the Sengled smart bulb. Here is how to reset your bulb;

  • Connect the bulb to a standard fixture. Not the ones with dimmers on them.
  • Starting with the bulb on, turn the switch on and off 5 times (where on/off counts as 1 time), ending the bulb switched on. For ZigBee bulbs, turn them on/off 10 – 15 times.
  • If the resetting is a success, the bulb flashes 3 times and blinks twice, indicating it’s in pairing mode.

Now, with the bulb reset, reconnect it to your respective app.

Connecting To Sengled Home App

Download and register an account with the Sengled Home App. Probably you already have the app running on your device; proceed to the next step.

  • Select “+ icon” or Add Device for first-time setup.
  • Choose “Wi-Fi LEDs and Accessories” and confirm that you have a Wi-Fi device
  • Confirm that the Bulb is in pairing mode and grant the app permission to access your device
  • Tap “Connect” when the bulb appears
  • Choose your Wi-Fi and enter your password to connect. Tap next. Once the bulb is connected, it blinks.
  • Follow the in-app prompts to add your bulb to a room
  • Link your bulb to your virtual assistant or “Skip” to complete the process

With the bulb linked to your app and virtual assistant, you can now use the app or voice control commands to manage and control the light.

When To Reset Your Sengled Bulbs

Sometimes it’s pretty necessary to reset your Sengled bulbs, and there are tell-tale signs that your bulb is malfunctioning and needs a reset. Here are some activities that necessitate bulb resetting;

  • The bulb isn’t responsive – Sometimes, these smart bulbs develop response issues, especially when connected to a virtual assistant like Alexa, Google Assistant, or Siri. Resetting the bulbs helps clear up any software malfunctions ailing the bulb.
  • When changing the Wi-Fi to your bulb – To change the Wi-fi network connected to your bulb, removing the bulb from the smart app, resetting it, and connecting it to the new Wi-Fi is the effective way. You won’t experience any troubles with this method.
  • If the bulb is acting up – Smart lights can sometimes develop funny behavior, like lighting when they shouldn’t or continuous flickering. Resetting the bulb can help fix this and improve your user experience.
  • If you intend to gift them to a friend – If you intend to hand over a smart device to new ownership, remove the device from your routines and connected accounts. Resetting it ensures that the new owner doesn’t experience trouble setting up the device in their home.

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