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Smart Life Plug Not Connecting

The Smart Life connects to different compatible devices irrespective of their brand. This allows you to control different brands from one endpoint and easily link to your virtual assistant. Sometimes, one can run into trouble when setting up their smart device on the app. Smart life plug not connecting is one very common problem.

So, is your smart plug not connecting to Smart Life? This article walks you through the possible causes and offers solutions to solve the problem.

Smart Life Plug Not Connecting to Wi-Fi

Smart life plug won’t connect to a 5 GHz Wi-Fi network or when a VPN is running on your mobile device. When setting it up, ensure the plug is compatible with Smart Life and use a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network. Also, be close to the primary router. Once connected, move the plug to the final installation point.

Here are some common factors that affect your Smart life plug pairing process;

  • Trying to connect to the 5 GHz Wi-Fi network. Like most home products, smart life plugs only support the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi frequency band.
  • Running a VPN or Ad-guard on your mobile device. This masks your device’s IP address; it can’t access other devices on your network.
  • Placing the smart plug away from the router (out of your router’s Wi-Fi range)
  • Choosing the wrong model on the Smart life app. If you are setting up a Wi-Fi smart plug, be keen to choose the correct option on the app.
  • Not allowing the necessary location or Bluetooth permission when setting.
  • The plug isn’t in pairing mode – the indicator flashes rapidly

Smart Life Plug Not Connecting – Troubleshooting

To fix the connection problem, troubleshoot your home network, the plug, and the Smart life app to identify and fix the root cause.

First, ensure that the plug is compatible with Smart Life and that your mobile device is connected to the network you are pairing to.

Most smart plugs are compatible with Smart Life and Tuya apps. However, conflicts could arise if your plug is already paired with the parent brand app. Remove the app from other apps, reset it, and reconnect to Smart Life.

Here is a troubleshooting guide to help identify and fix your connection problem.

When setting up your Smart life app, be keen to grant permission as prompted by the app. To access a device on your network, the app needs Location and Bluetooth permissions.

Check Your Network Settings

As stated, Smart life plugs only support the 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi frequency band. Therefore, ensure that your router broadcasts a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network.

If your router has 2.4 and 5 GHz frequencies on a single SSID, separate them to avoid conflicts. Alternatively, turn off the 5 GHz option when setting up the plug; once it’s paired and working, turn back on the 5 GHz frequency.

To manage your router settings, log in to the admin panel. Find the default login details at the bottom of your router or contact your ISP provider for guidance.

Also, ensure that the network security encryption is set to WPA or WPA2 and the Authorization type to AES.

Finally, check the MAC address filtering setting. It could prevent the authorization of devices from joining your network. Thus, causing a connection failure.

Your mobile device must be connected to the same 2.4 GHz network you are attempting to pair the smart plug.

Once you have made changes, reboot the router to apply them and reconnect your devices.

Move The Plug Closer

To ensure a strong and stable internet connection, ensure the plug is close to the router during the setup process.

Placing your plug at the furthest corner of the house is a sure way of getting yourself stuck on the connecting stage. The Wi-Fi signal weakens as you move away from the router, and the number of obstacles increases.

Also, you can get a Wi-Fi extender or install a mesh network setup to spread the Wi-Fi signal strength evenly.

Once you move closer to the source, use the smart life app to try reconnecting your plug.

Disable Your VPN and Ad guard

If you have an active VPN or Ad guard software on your mobile device, turn it off when connecting your Smart life plug to your Wi-Fi network.

The VPN masks your IP address and won’t discover new devices connected to the router.

Disable the VPN and restart the device to refresh your network connection; once your phone restarts, try connecting the plug.

Again, an Adblocker or Ad guard can have the same effect as a VPN. If you have an ad guard on your device, temporarily turn it off to add your smart life plug to the app.

Reset The Plug and Reconnect

The plug must be in pairing mode when connecting to Smart Life. When in pairing mode, the plug’s status indicator blinks continuously. The specific color depends on your brand. This allows you to set up the plug in EZ mode.

To reset your plug, press and hold the reset button for 5 – 10 seconds. The plug enters pairing mode – the LED indicator flashes rapidly.

With your mobile device connected to the same network, try reconnecting your plug through the Smart Life app. Also, turn off your mobile data during the setup process.

This option connects to the device in EZ mode faster than in AP mode.

Connect The Plug Through AP Mode

AP mode allows you to connect to the device’s network. It’s the go-to option when one is experiencing network connection issues.

To connect your plug through AP Mode, perform a double reset to enter the slow flashing setup mode. Connecting to the plug’s hotspot helps you confirm that the device is in pairing mode and not faulty.

First, perform the normal reset by pressing the reset button for 10 seconds. While the plug is quickly flashing, perform another reset.

In some models, the power button is also the reset button.

This double reset hack works on some models. I hope that your plug’s brand supports it.

Here’s how to set up the plug in AP mode;

  • Launch your Smart life app
  • Tap the “+” icon > select “Add Device” option
  • Tap Electrical from the list of device categories
  • Choose your device type > Socket (Wi-Fi). Choose the option appropriate for your plug device
  • Choose your 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network and enter your password. Hit Next
  • Double Reset the plug to enter pairing mode. Once your plug is slowly blinking, tap “Next” a couple of times on the app.
  • Select the first status (Blink Slowly) to set up in AP mode
  • Connect to the device’s hotspot. Tap the “Go to Connect” button to open your phone settings and connect to the “SmartLife-XXXX” or “SL-XXXX” network. Return to the Smart Life app after connecting > tap Confirm hot spot connection next.
  • Device connecting. Let the app find, register, and initialize your device. Once it’s located, name it and tap Done to finish up.

This solution should help get your plug connected to the Smart life app. Once your plug connects, here is a guide to link it to your virtual assistant (Alexa or Google Assistant).

Bonus Solutions

If the connection problem persists, here are some bonus tips to try.

Uninstall and reinstall the Smart Life app – You could be experiencing a connection failure due to an outdated Smart Life app. First, clear the app cache, and check on your respective app if any updates are available.

If an update is due, download and install it on your device and try reconnecting your plug. If the update method fails, uninstall and install the app afresh.

Try a different device – I had this tab that had problems connecting some smart home device brands. Once I tried setting up the device on my iPhone, it could work.

It could be the same issue with your device; try setting up the Smart plug with a different phone (preferably running on another OS)

The plug is incompatible – Some brands won’t work with Smart Life. It is a rarity, as Smart Life works with almost every brand.

Faulty device – If the device logic is corrupted, you won’t get through to it. An example of a defective device case is when the smart plug won’t broadcast its hotspot when set up in AP mode.

Try contacting your brand’s support team or return the plug to the respective store for a replacement.

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